We love nature

We love nature

Rushworth forest
We explore

We explore

Pine Mountain
We enjoy

We enjoy

Mt Major, Dookie

 The contents and information presented on this site is distributed by Shepparton Adventure Club as a general information source only.

We make no statements, representations, or warranties about the accuracy or completeness of the content presented, and for this reason, you should not rely on any information contained on this site.

Despite our best efforts, we make no warranties that the information on this site is free of infection by computer viruses or other contamination.

Boroondara Bushwalkers disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages and costs you might incur as a result of the information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way, and for any reason.


Meetings, Committee information, Rules of Association (attachment)


Members Meeting:             usually 3rd or 4th Tuesday of the months: February, April, June, August, October

                         at SAC shed (Victoria Lake) or the Mechanics Institute, Wyndham St, Shepparton.

Committee Meeting:         Usually bi-monthly or as required

Correspondence to:         The Secretary SAC, PO Box 264, Shepparton  3632

                                      Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



see newsletters

 docSAC Simple Rules 27th August 2013.doc

Visitors are permitted to attend up to 3 activities before deciding whether to join the club. It is imperative for every trip that visitors (temporary members) sign the "Acknowledgement of Risk Form". These completed forms must be forwarded to the SAC Secretary for filing as soon as possible after the trip – otherwise, in the case of a claim, the insurer will not acknowledge the risk.
Forms can be downloaded below or from www.bushwalkingvictoria.org.au in Club Resources.

Incident reporting

Incidents should be reported to the club committee as soon as possible, using the form available at the BWV link below. It will then be checked for completeness and forwarded to Bushwalking Victoria.

Vehicle Travel Cost Reimbursement
30 cents per km per car split between all trip participants is suggested as an appropriate rate (at June 2022).

Summary of Public Liability insurance coverage effective at 2020 (up to age 95): 

(from Insurance Overview (bushwalkingaustralia.org)

  • Bushwalking
  • Orienteering/Rogaining
  • Liloing
  • Rafting/Boating
  •  Cycling
  • Abseiling
  • Swimming
  •  Caving
  • Social Activities and Club Meetings
  • Snow Skiing
  • Canoeing/Kayaking
  • Training and related instruction
  • Track/Hut Construction and/or Maintenance
  • Alpine Walking (Summer and Winter)
  • Rock Scurrying and use of hand-held ropes as part of a bushwalk
  • Canyoning (both including and excluding abseiling)

Activities NOT COVERED include Rock Climbing, Mountaineering, Water Skiing, Animal Riding and overseas trips (except NZ).


Emergency Contact Procedures
All enquiries about the return of participants from club activities should first be directed to the activity leader, and then to the Emergency Contact Person (ECP) for the activity if the leader cannot be found.
It is the activity leader's responsibility to organise an ECP and advise him/her (in writing) of trip & participant details and what to do if contact is not made by the nominated time.


BWV Forms, Policies etc.                                   [includes Incident Report form]

 docAcknowledgement of Risk Form for Temporary Members.doc        [This form to be completed and signed by temporary members (visitors) participating in a club activity]


This page contains general news and information for members.

At the bottom of this page are attached lists of maps and equipment the club owns for members' use, available from the Equipment Officer (see Governance page or your newsletter for current Equipment Officer contact). 

Also below is an Emergency Contact & Medical Information form that members are encouraged to complete and carry with them on activities.

The Bushwalking Victoria website is a very useful resource that would be of interest to club committees, walk leaders and members. There is information on clubs across Victoria, safety, search & rescue, map sources and some useful publications, in particular on Starting out and Walking Safely - see http://www.bushwalkingvictoria.org.au/brochures.html

Need that map right NOW?

We have become aware of an excellent VicMap service. You can now access on http:\\www.land.vic.gov.au(choose link to Vicmap Topo Maps 1:30,000) the whole of Victoria and print A4-size sheets of 1:30,000 scale topomaps. You pay by credit card over the www. Excellent way of quickly getting a map when you are preparing a walk!!

Need to borrow some equipment?

 A range of camping and sports equipment is available for use (see attachment below). Contact the Equipment Officer at least a week in advance to ensure the equipment is available and to arrange pick up. If you have difficulty contacting the Equipment Officer, contact any member of the committee for assistance.

 The equipment is made available to Shepparton Adventure Club Members for any trip, and to visitors only on listed trips. Any charges are at a nominal rate to fund replacement.


Victorian Rogaining Associationwww.vra.rogaine.asn.au

What is Rogaining?

That's a great question! Some answers that have been bandied about include:-

... a car rally on foot

... an easter egg hunt for grown-ups

... competition bushwalking

... marathon orienteering

... Rugged Outdoor Group Activity Involving Navigation and Endurance

... a sick, sick sport

... orienteering on steroids!

The standard definition goes like this:

Rogaining is the sport of long distance cross-country navigation in which teams of two to five members visit as many checkpoints as possible in the specified time. In Victoria rogaines are typically run over periods of 6, 12 or 24 hours. In a bush rogaine teams travel entirely on foot, navigating by map and compass between checkpoints in terrain that varies from open farmland to hilly forest. However, the Victorian Rogaining Association also runs a few events on bikes, in metropolitan areas, on cross-country skis, and even in canoes!

A central base camp (called the "Hash House") provides hot meals throughout the event and teams may return at any time to eat, rest or sleep. Teams travel at their own pace and anyone from children to grandparents can experience the personal satisfaction that comes from cross-country navigation at their own level of competition and comfort. One feature of rogaining is the opportunity for night navigation and the extra challenges that this involves.

Rogaining developed as a sport in its own right in the early 1970's, but 24-hour walks had been held since at least 1947 by the Melbourne University Mountaineering Club. The word ROGAINE was coined from: ROd GAIl and NEil, the three people in Australia who developed the first ROGAINE.

Rogaining is a team activity for people of all ages and levels of fitness. It provides competitors with navigational challenges, a way of enjoying the outdoors, and a sense of achievement.

National & State Parks info

There may still be restrictions on some bushwalking areas after fires, floods etc. Parks Victoria have a listing of track closures and access restrictions on their web site http://www.parkweb.vic.gov.au

Given the extent of the fires in the past decade, relatively few huts were lost. However there were many close calls with fires coming to within metres of many huts. If you are planning to visit any of the huts it will be worth confirming that they are still standing. As well as the Parks Vic web site, information is also available from the Victorian High Country Huts Association and the Bogong Club. These sites contain an extensive listing of the status for the huts.


SAC GEAR June 2013.doc
Emergency Contact + Medical Information.doc
SAC Equipment List_Oct 11.doc

Contact us by using the form at right or 

Find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/shepadventureclub

mail:  PO Box 264, Shepparton 3632


Club Meetings

The Club generally meets the 2nd or 3rd Tuesday of the months: February, April, June, August, October

Either for dinner and/or at the Mechanics Institute/Shepparton Access, 227 Wyndham Street, Shepparton, or at our shed on Tom Collins Drive, Victoria Lake (south end past the pools). See above or Facebook for latest info.



Bushwalking Vic logo with tagline 2 for websites