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Rushworth forest
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Pine Mountain
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Mt Major, Dookie

Workplace Training
for Allied Health Professionals (ahp)

Workshop Development For Client Retention and Attraction

 Attracting the right clients, and standing out in a crowded market, can be tough.                                          At TDS, we can help your business to stand out through using our structured process to develop workshops and information sessions for current and potential clients. These workshops will:

- Help you attract new potential clients
- Show existing customers that you care about and understand their needs
- Provide a consistent income stream
- Help differentiate from related and competing businesses
- Increase your profile in the local area
- Create the opportunity to streamline services

Why Choose Workplace Training Systems and Assessments (WTSA)?

who we work withOur structured process will help you to create sessions that can be delivered in a consistent, streamline and stylised way that maximises customer engagement and will help you to achieve your business goals. With the ongoing support, you will be able to tap into and action customer feedback to increase client satisfaction and retention.

Our Clients

flow chartThe tailored Workplace Training Service offered by WTSA is for sole operators, SME and for any Organisation with clients. Our model is based on principles that can be applied to any number of businesses, to name a few, Allied Health Professionals Accountancy Firms, Property Managers, Law Firms, Real Estate, Creative Arts Industry and Sole Operators

Workplace Training for Allied Health Professionals (ahp)

who healthcare

Allied Health Professionals As an allied health professional working in complementary medicine, it can be hard to differentiate your business. Patients are often torn between using a chiropractor, an osteopath, a physiotherapist for their aches and pains. Or they’re debating between visiting a personal trainer, a naturopath, or a nutritionist for weight loss goals.

Everybody knows that it’s important to take a proactive approach to care for our health and our wellbeing. Yet, for many of your prospective clients, there are many potential barriers to taking that first step or maintaining long term changes.

At WTSA, we’ve developed a systematic approach for allied health professionals (ahp) – chiropractors, osteopaths, naturopaths, speech pathologists, physiotherapists, psychologists, dieticians and so on - to forge deeper connections with customers and build stronger, more successful practices that deliver enhanced patient outcomes

Law Firms

who we work with legal

Law firms are often knee deep trying to service their clients and find themselves racing against the clock. WTSA can assist sole business owners or small firms find ways to streamline their services. Our approach will provide you with tools to assist clients to understand how the legal industry functions and how to gain their confidence.

Accountancy Firms

 who accountants

Accountancy firms are often trying to service their clients and keep up to date with legislation and accreditiation.  WTSA can assist sole business owners or small firms find ways to inform and disseminate  information to ensure ongoing customers satisfaction. Our approach will provide you with tools to assist clients to understand how the financial industry functions and how to understand benefits.

Sole Business Operators

who sole traders

SOLE business owners are often juggling to take care of business, lose track of their customer service needs and overlook how to keep their clients.  WTSA can assist sole business owners or small firms find ways to streamline their services. Our approach will provide you with tools to service clients and keep track of return business through an efficient monitoring system .

Property Managers/Real Estate

who property

REAL ESTATE Agents are often running off their feet trying to keep pace with changes in the property market. WTSA can assist Real Estate Agencies and Agents find ways to capitalise on their knowledge  by adotping a premium service model that will increase cutomer satisfaction and promote successful outcomes. 

Creative Arts Industry

who creative

ART industry is a highly sought area of expression with changing trends, styles and fashion whether in the visual, expressive or performing sectors. WTSA can assist sole business owners or small firms find ways to increase their services and gain a leading edge in providing more than a shortlived idea. Our approach will give you tools, techniques and skills on how to service clients and increase customer commitments. 

Call Us Today To Find Out More

contact us

We offer a no-obligation chat with you to find out more about your needs and goals.

Contact us today to make a booking.

The Shepparton Adventure Club runs a variety of outdoor activities for its members in a sociable setting. New members are welcome.

The main activities we run are Bushwalking (day walks and multi-day hikes), Mid-week Walks, Bike riding, and some Camping and Canoeing.


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Next gathering: Tuesday 11 February 2025 - Dinner meeting at the GV Hotel, Shepppartonbook with Bruce



Find us on Facebook too www.facebook.com/shepadventureclub


Club Meetings

The Club generally meets the 2nd or 3rd Tuesday of the months: February, April, June, August, October

Either for dinner and/or at the Mechanics Institute/Shepparton Access, 227 Wyndham Street, Shepparton, or at our shed on Tom Collins Drive, Victoria Lake (south end past the pools). See above or Facebook for latest info.



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