Visitors are permitted to attend up to 3 activities before deciding whether to join the club. It is imperative for every trip that visitors (temporary members) sign the "Acknowledgement of Risk Form". These completed forms must be forwarded to the SAC Secretary for filing as soon as possible after the trip – otherwise, in the case of a claim, the insurer will not acknowledge the risk.
Forms can be downloaded below or from in Club Resources.
Incident reporting
Incidents should be reported to the club committee as soon as possible, using the form available at the BWV link below. It will then be checked for completeness and forwarded to Bushwalking Victoria.
Vehicle Travel Cost Reimbursement
30 cents per km per car split between all trip participants is suggested as an appropriate rate (at June 2022).
Summary of Public Liability insurance coverage effective at 2020 (up to age 95):
(from Insurance Overview (
Activities NOT COVERED include Rock Climbing, Mountaineering, Water Skiing, Animal Riding and overseas trips (except NZ).
Emergency Contact Procedures
All enquiries about the return of participants from club activities should first be directed to the activity leader, and then to the Emergency Contact Person (ECP) for the activity if the leader cannot be found.
It is the activity leader's responsibility to organise an ECP and advise him/her (in writing) of trip & participant details and what to do if contact is not made by the nominated time.
BWV Forms, Policies etc. [includes Incident Report form]
Acknowledgement of Risk Form for Temporary Members.doc [This form to be completed and signed by temporary members (visitors) participating in a club activity]